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On this page you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Unicorn Factory Lisboa universe.

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AIEL, short for Associação para a Inovação e Empreendedorismo de Lisboa, was founded in 2011 and started operations in 2012. It was established by the Municipality of Lisbon, Montepio Bank, and IAPMEI (Portuguese Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation).

AIEL was initiated through citizen participation. It was one of the most voted-on ideas in the Lisbon City Council's 2009/2010 Participatory Budget.

AIEL is a private non-profit association.

Since its start, AIEL has operated primarily as a business incubator under Startup Lisboa. It focuses on supporting the creation of companies and aiding entrepreneurs during their initial years of activity.

Unicorn Factory Lisboa (UFL)

Launched in 2022, Unicorn Factory Lisboa is a flagship initiative to position Lisbon as a leading European innovation center. It is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs by providing essential resources, including comprehensive incubation programs and one of Europe's few specialized scale-up programs.

Yes, Unicorn Factory Lisboa is the umbrella brand of AIEL.

Startup Lisboa

Yes, Startup Lisboa is part of Unicorn Factory Lisboa. Unicorn Factory Lisboa is the umbrella brand that encompasses and extends the activities of Startup Lisboa, among other initiatives.

Startup Lisboa remains our renowned brand for the prestigious incubation program. It continues its mission as part of the Unicorn Factory Lisboa initiatives.

In 2022, it was fully integrated under Unicorn Factory Lisboa as the leading startup incubation program.

A startup is a new or embryonic company focused on developing a promising and innovative business idea. These companies are typically tech-based, characterized by scalable business models and the potential for rapid growth.

The main distinction lies in the duration and focus. Accelerators are intense, short-term programs that help achieve specific goals, such as fundraising or business development. Incubators offer longer-term support and a broader range of services, including physical office space.

Startup Lisboa incubation program provides a range of services to support the growth of incubated startups:

  • Fundraising Assistance: Preparing startups to interact with potential investors.
  • Mentorship: Access to a diverse pool of experienced mentors and experts.
  • Perks: Offers discounts and access to essential services like legal and accounting.
  • Corporate Matching: Facilitating partnerships and pilots with relevant entities.
  • Community Engagement: Organizing events and activities to foster networking.
  • Physical Spaces: Coworking spaces and offices will be provided in downtown Lisbon and other locations.
  • Educational Sessions: We host 'Rocket Sessions' on various topics for new startups and other thematic sessions focused on each founder's journey.

Applicants must submit an online form, which is available year-round. 

The applications are reviewed every 90 days, followed by a pitch to a jury to assess the project's viability and potential.

Applicants typically receive a response within three months, depending on the volume of applications. The decision is communicated by email.

The applications are evaluated by a jury of the Unicorn Factory Lisboa leadership team, mentors, investors, experienced entrepreneurs, and alumni.

Applications are judged based on the following criteria, which must be met in full:

  • Innovative product/service
  • Product/service with a global character that is scalable
  • Reasonableness and feasibility of the project submitted ideally already tested
  • Capacity of implementation by the promoting team
  • Having big growth potential

Yes, projects can be accepted at various stages of development, depending on the program.

Yes, although you may only have a business idea when applying, it is considered if part of the product has already been developed or a market test has been carried out.

The incubation program focuses on early-stage startups, from pre-seed to pre-Series A funding.

Projects that do not align with the startup model of scalability and innovation may not be accepted.

The startup model of scalability and innovation refers to developing a business that can grow rapidly and efficiently, often using technology to create innovative solutions that can be easily expanded to meet increasing demand.

Yes, Unicorn Factory Lisboa accepts applications from individuals of all nationalities.

Yes, our services have a fixed price. Since we are a non-profit association, our prices are below the market and intended to cover basic operational costs.

  • Incubation fee Fee: 90€ /month (VAT not included)
  • Incubation + Coworking Fee: 90€ /month + 100€ /month per seat (VAT not included)
  • Incubation + Private office Fee: 90€ /month + starting at 260€ /month (VAT not included)

Yes, applications are assessed based on quality and potential, not the need for physical space.

Yes, applicants can reapply multiple times.

No, it does not invest directly or take equity. We facilitate connections with potential investors.

The maximum incubation period is five years, with up to three years of physical incubation available.

  • When the maximum incubation period of 5 years ends
  • Breach of any clause in the service contract
  • Failure to pay the incubator or any mandatory provision to the State
  • Significant change to the initial objectives (that originated the application to the incubator)
  • Insolvency of the incubated company
  • Temporary cessation of the company’s activity
  • Duly justified request from the company
  • The incubator can no longer meet the growing space requirements

No, startups will be housed once their applications are approved through appropriate channels. 

Regarding the StartUP Visa process, you must contact the entity responsible for it IAPMEI (an institute that promotes business growth and internationalization) or check our soft landing program for further details.

Yes, it offers CASA Startup Lisboa, a short-term co-living facility for entrepreneurs who want to move to Lisbon or attend an event.

Startups that advance beyond the early stage can consider programs like our Scaling Up program.

Scaling Up Program

The Scaling Up Program is the first Portuguese acceleration program designed specifically for growth-stage startups. It is shaped by international best practices and supported by strategic partnerships.

  • Scaleups must be post-seed startups
  • With a strong team,
  • Product-market fit,
  • Revenue generation,
  • A clear growth trajectory
  • International expansion goal.

The program includes immersive upskilling structured into 12 modules:

Leadership, fundraising, international strategy, due diligence, growth, Product development, Marketing & Communication, responsible business, Mental Health, Customer Experience, Finance Debt and the S Curve.

  • Tailor-made Mentorship Board: Scaleups receive ongoing guidance from a dedicated advisory board comprising over 140 C-level mentors from diverse industries and backgrounds.
  • Corporate Piloting: Participants benefit from introductions to exclusive events with key stakeholders, allowing them to pilot their products with significant corporations and gain valuable industry insights.
  • International Growth Support: The program facilitates access to key international summits, such as Slush in Helsinki Collision in Toronto and Web Summit in Lisbon. This global exposure helps scale-ups expand their networks and gain insights into international markets.

The program boasts over 140 C-level mentors from unicorns, scaleups, universities, and corporates and maintains partnerships with over 170 corporate and investment partners.

The program is operated by Unicorn Factory Lisboa, which acts as an ecosystem builder. 

No, Unicorn Factory Lisboa does not take equity or invest directly in startups.

The applications are evaluated by a jury of the Unicorn Factory Lisboa leadership team, mentors, investors, experienced entrepreneurs, and alumni.

A new cohort is admitted every four months.

Up to 8 scaleups are admitted in each cohort.

The program lasts for eight months.

Yes, Unicorn Factory Lisboa accepts applications from individuals of all nationalities.

1st: Screening, after which applicants receive feedback within two weeks after the closure day of application submission.

2nd: Interviews were conducted by a jury, with subsequent feedback provided three weeks after the interviews.

3rd: Selection and Scaleup program on board.

Selected scaleups must pay a fee of €4,500 for the 8-month program.

Soft Landing Program

Soft Landing is a tailored program providing tools, information, and resources to simplify moving or expanding operations to Lisbon.

The program is operated by Unicorn Factory Lisboa in collaboration with key partners.

Open to tech startups, scaleups, foreign entrepreneurs, or investors who aim to establish operations or create a team in Lisbon.

The program is divided into 3 independent modules:

Specialized Support, Immersive Bootcamps and Tailor-made support.

No, they are independent. You can choose the one that better suits your needs.

Specialised support: support in key areas such as law, accounting, grant writing, and human resources, as well as access to temporary office spaces and housing. 

Immersive Bootcamps: during three days, we’ll go through in detail about setting up life and business in Lisbon. See more information here. LINK

Initial screening, feedback, and a meeting call with the Soft Landing Team to better access your needs

Unicorn Factory Lisboa, Beato Innovation District

No, it has been renamed Unicorn Factory Lisboa, Beato Innovation District.

Yes, it is the first innovation district created in Lisbon by Unicorn Factory Lisboa.

Currently, there are no coworking spaces available.

Yes, all dining spaces and standard outdoor areas are open to the general public.

Open every day from 8:00 AM to 2:00 AM.

No, it is a car-free zone. Public transportation is encouraged.

Several Carris buses stop near the district, including routes 34B, 210, 718, 728, 781, and 782.

Four entrances: Av. Infante D. Henrique (two), Travessa do Grilo, and Rua da Manutenção.