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Porquê Lisboa?


país do mundo em facilidade de fazer negócios além fronteiras (Doing Business Report 2020)

melhor país europeu para a inovação empresarial (Banco Central Europeu 2022)

TOP 10 no ranking de melhores países europeus para investimento estrangeiro (Ernst & Young)


país europeu com maior taxa de licenciados em Engenharia (Eurostat)

país do mundo com melhor proficiência em inglês (Índice de Proficiência em Inglês 2021)

55,4% dos talentos tecnológicos estão localizados na área metropolitana de Lisboa (Global Tech Talent Trends 2022)


país mais digitalizado da Europa (Digitalização na Europa 2020-21)

59% da produção energética em Portugal provém de fontes renováveis (REN)


cidade de maior confiança entre 63 hubs de Startups europeus (Startup Heatmap Trust Score Europa 2022)

melhor destino de expatriados em termos de qualidade de vida (Expat Insider 2022)


Designed to provide all practical tools, information and resources to simplify the process of moving or expanding operations to Lisbon, ensuring a soft landing without constraints.

It’s time to start your Soft Landing in Lisbon!!






You are a tech startup, scaleup, foreign entrepreneur or an investor from any vertical, background or origin considering setting up operations or create a team in Lisbon.

Para qualquer dúvida relacionada com elegibilidade, entra em contacto connosco:

A nossa abordagem

  • Customized support in getting to know the Lisbon ecosystem and understanding the road ahead to set up an office in Lisbon and recruit your team.
  • Curated opportunities to build connections and close initial partnerships with leading law firms, advisory companies, office spaces, and more.

O que esperar

  • Introductions to our specialized partners for tailored guidance in key areas.
  • Access to corporate perks such as discounts, memberships, or exclusive services.
  • Introduction to community and ecosystem key players, including VCs, local startups and scaleups, corporates, alumni.

Support on key areas:

  • Law: Legal consultation to clear out some legal doubts and help with small tasks
  • Accounting: Accounting/tax advice
  • Grant writing: Analysis of best financing options
  • Human Resources: Intermediation between candidates and tech companies, payroll and creation of localized legal contracts
  • Temporary office spaces and housing

or click here to schedule a brief call with our team.


O que esperar

  • Online sessions, on-site workshops and 1:1 meetings provided by selected partners and ecosystem expert players focused on the initial guidance and professional network necessary to set up and successfully grow your business from Lisbon.
  • Ecosystem tours, roundtables and get together events to meet members of the ecosystem and alumni and make valuable contacts.
  • Opportunity to design a customized immersive experience in Lisbon with personalized support and networking events with key stakeholders.

Immersive Bootcamp

Three days to learn everything you wanted to know about how to set up your life and business in Lisbon. Plus one-on-one sessions with our partners after the program.


Cultural Insights and Ecosystem Overview
Ecosystem Tour*
Ecosystem Tour*
Subsidies, Grants and Investment
Corporate Law
Personal Tax
Labour Law
Immigration to Portugal
Move to Lisbon – Why and How
Welcome drinks*
Corporate Tax
Build your Tech Team in Portugal
Roundtable with Launch in Lisbon alumni
Get Together*

*Activities only available for on-site participants

Note: This is an example for you to have an idea of how these 3 days are. The final agenda is shared closer to the date of the edition.

Thematic Bootcamp

Ecosystem Overview and Cultural Insights

  • Tech Ecosystem highlights
  • First steps moving to Lisbon

Labour Law

  • Employment contracts 
  • Working visas 
  • Personal income tax 
  • Social security

Corporate Tax

  • Corporate earnings tax 
  • Payroll taxes
  • Autonomous taxation, deductions, VAT, Social Security

Note: The final agenda is shared closer to the date of the edition. ​

Personal Tax

  • Corporate earnings tax 
  • Payroll taxes and special situations
  • Autonomous taxation, deductions, VAT, Social Security 

Immigration Law

  • Residency permits 
  • Requirements and fees for permit & required paperwork

Note: The final agenda is shared closer to the date of the edition. ​

Build your Tech Team in Portugal 

  • Market data (salaries, tech stack, etc)
  • Tech talent sources and recruitment

Subsidies, Funds, Grants & Investment 

  • Portugal 2030 and European Union Funding  
  • Investimento privado
  • Fundraising strategy

Note: The final agenda is shared closer to the date of the edition. ​ 

Cultural Insights and Ecosystem Overview

  • Introducing Lisbon's entrepreneurial ecosystem
  • What makes Lisbon special? 
  • How it is to live and work

Roundtable with  Members of the Ecosystem

  • Networking opportunities among the Unicorn Factory Lisboa’s community and members of the city’s ecosystem.

Note: The final agenda is shared closer to the date of the edition. ​

Your Tailor Made Bootcamp

A fully customized program with talks, workshops, roundtables, ecosystem tours and networking opportunities in collaboration with strategic partners and expert players of the ecosystem. Tailor-made length, format and content.

Os nossos parceiros incluem

O que dizem os participantes: